The AuditTrends, LLC Seminars
Nine practical seminars, delivered by one of the most dynamic, motivating speakers on the market today. See below for titles and outlines, then Contact AuditTrends for more information.
Leading Edge Seminars
Best Practices in Internal Auditing (1-3 days, 8-24 CPEs)
Auditing Culture: Challenges and Proven Techniques (1-2 days, 8-16 CPEs)
Implementing COSO 2013: Real-world Applications & Best Practices (1-2 days, 8-16 CPEs)
Basic Skills Seminars
Skills for the New Internal Auditor (2-4 days, 14-32 CPEs)
Risk-based Auditing and Reporting (2 days, 16 CPEs)
Audit Report Writing (1-2 days, 8-16 CPEs)
Enterprise Risk Management: A Practical Approach (1-2 days, 8-16 CPEs)
Leadership and Supervision Skills for Lead Auditors and Audit Managers (1-2 days, 8-16 CPEs)
Relationship Building Skills for Auditors (1 day, 8 CPEs)
All AuditTrends seminars can be tailored to fit your needs. Or you can design your own seminar by selecting among available training modules.
All AuditTrends seminars combine leading edge audit techniques with the best of traditional approaches. Participants apply the skills they learn in real-life case studies. Sessions are highly interactive, with much "best practice" sharing among participants.